LibLearnX Toolkit: Logos & Banners
Logos and banners can be added to your letters, emails, newsletters, and more.
Logo Files
Links to download bitmap or vector formats are available below. Remember to add other information (registration link, discount offers, special notes, etc.) in the body of the email. Actual sizes of logos below are larger in size, please note the dimensions listed below each.
LibLearnX Horizontal Logo
1200 x 680 pixels
Download: PNG (bitmap) | PDF (vector)
LibLearnX Square Logo
1080 x 1080 pixels
Download: PNG (bitmap) | PDF (vector)
LibLearnX Thumbnail Logo
150 x 150 pixels
Download: PNG (bitmap) | PDF (vector)
Email Footer
Email Footer
422 x 112 pixels
Download: PNG (bitmap) | PDF (vector)