Exhibitor Manual
Access the Exhibitor Manual. Within the Exhibitor Manual website, you will find everything you need to successfully participate in the LibLearnX Exhibits. Show Management has lined up a team of industry professionals to make your exhibit experience a smooth process.
Please review the Quick Facts, and pay attention to order deadlines, as advance orders can save you time and money. If you have any questions related to exhibitor services, please contact GES at 800/801-7648. You can also Chat with GES during normal business hours.
Included in the Exhibitor Manual is the Exhibit Operations Guide. Take a moment to review the Guide – it can save you a great deal of time and expense at showtime!
If you have questions on the rules and regulations, etc., please contact us at 800/752-6312, 630/434-7779, [email protected].
Exhibit Operations Guide
Take advantage of these resources to pre-plan your LibLearnX LLX Marketplace Exhibits participation in the most cost-effective manner possible. Take a moment NOW to review the information below (also available in the Exhibit Operations Guide PDF) – it can save you a great deal of time and expense at showtime!
The Baltimore Convention Center
Exhibit Halls E, Swing and F
One West Pratt Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
Meeting Dates: January 19 – 22, 2024
Exhibit Dates: January 20 – 22, 2024
What's Included in my Exhibit Space Rental?
All standard in-line booths are provided with:
- a drape background 8′ high along the back wall
- one (1) identification sign showing your company name and booth number
Other services include:
- Credentials for your full-time exhibit personnel.
- Listing in the Exhibits Locator and on the ALA web page.
- Access to purchase the registration database for pre-show and post-show mailings.
- Removal, storage, and return of empty boxes, cartons, crates, and skids.
- Carpeting of all aisles in the exhibit hall.
- Twenty-four hour general hall security.
Please note that booth furniture (tables, chairs, etc.) and material handling (shipping/drayage) are not included with your exhibit space rental. Ordering details will be included in the Exhibitor Manual.
What other items may I need to purchase?
- Booth furnishings: (tables, chairs, etc.) ordered through general contractor
- Carpeting: ordered through general contractor
- Booth vacuuming: ordered through the facility or general contractor (depending on event location)
- Utility service (ie: electricity, internet, telephone): ordered through utility contractor or facility (depending on event location)
- Lead Retrieval
- Material Handling: If you ship a booth to the warehouse or directly to the Exhibit Facility, you will be responsible for the Material Handling fees associated with the movement of your freight within the hall. The final cost is based on the weight of your freight.
Note: Exhibitors are reminded that booth carpet or floor covering is mandatory in all booths.
- Exhibitors may bring their own carpet/floor covering, or order booth carpet from GES. If you are ordering from GES, place your order in advance for best pricing!
- Any booths that are set up on-site without carpet/floor covering installed by 5:00pm on Friday, January 19 will be automatically carpeted at the exhibitor's expense. Show site rates will apply.
Exhibitors may order booth carpet, furnishings, tables, etc. from GES. Refer to forms in the Exhibitor Manual to order additional services.
Exhibits Schedule
(subject to change)
Thursday, January 18, 8:00am – 4:30pm
Friday, January 19, 8:00am – 4:30pm
Exhibits Open
Saturday, January 20, 9:30am – 4:00pm
Sunday, January 21, 10:00am – 4:00pm (Refreshment Break 2:00pm - 3:00pm)
Monday, January 22, 9:30am – 12:00pm
Monday, January 22, 12:15pm – 6:00pm
*IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not bring children under the age of 16 to the exhibit hall during installation or dismantle. Due to safety and insurance regulations, children are not permitted during these times.
General Information
Admission to the Exhibit Floor
IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not bring children under the age of 16 to the exhibit hall during installation or dismantle. Due to safety and insurance regulations, children are not permitted during these times.
ALA does not restrict children’s access to the exhibit floor based on age during Show hours. Parents or guardians must accompany children (under 18 years of age) and are responsible for their behavior. All persons on the exhibit floor must have proper registration credentials.
Accessibility Services
Wheelchairs, information booths, designated parking, TDD, telephone and other services are available for visitors with disabilities. The Baltimore Convention Center is in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Please be sure to read the Americans with Disabilities Act Guidelines created by the ERT on making your booth accessible. These are suggestions that can help increase traffic to your booth by persons with disabilities. Compliance optional, but encouraged.
The American Library Association strongly encourages you to insure your property from the time it leaves your facilities until it is returned after the Exhibition. In most cases, a rider can be added to your present policy for a nominal cost that will protect your property while it is out of your control.
The American Library Association, its agents, Hall-Erickson, Inc., the Baltimore Convention Center and/or their respective agents will not be responsible in any way for the safety of any exhibit or material against theft, fire, water, accident, or any cause, nor for the loss of damage to goods consigned to its care.
No Smoking Policy
Smoking, vaping, the use of e-cigarettes and other tobacco items is prohibited at Annual Conferences, LibLearnX LLX Events, regional national conferences, continuing education programs, exhibits and other gatherings sponsored by the ALA.
Entry to and exit from the exhibit area will be possible only through the main Show entrance and all persons entering and leaving must wear a badge issued by ALA Show Management. During the installation and dismantling periods, no one will be permitted in the exhibit area before 8:00am.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not bring children under the age of 16 to the exhibit hall during installation or dismantle. Due to safety and insurance regulations, children are not permitted during these times.
Lost or stolen property must be reported to the Security Office as soon as possible. Please remember that any claim must be properly documented in order to receive reimbursement from your insurance company.
Display Rules
Read this section carefully to avoid unnecessary on-site challenges or costly modifications.
These display rules must be adhered to on-site, or your display may have to go through costly alterations before the Show opens. The display rules are not meant to limit your ability to showcase your product, but rather to ensure each exhibitor an equal opportunity, within reason, to present their product or service in the most effective manner to the audience. The exhibitor’s responsibility can be summed up quite simply as “Be a Good Neighbor.”
Your agreement to abide by these display rules is a part of the space contract, and they will be strictly enforced by our Floor Managers at Show time.
- Booth Configurations
- Rules and Regulations (back of contract)
- ADA Guidelines
- Show Site Work Rules
General Guidelines
These rules, as developed by the Exhibits Round Table, are based on industry standards, physical limitations of the exhibit hall and the needs of the ALA exhibitions. Their intent is to ensure each exhibiting organization, regardless of size, an equal opportunity, within reason, to gain access to the attending audience while providing an opportunity to explore new and creative marketing techniques. The underlying responsibility is that each exhibitor act as a “good neighbor.”
Show Management shall make all final determinations as to which rules are being violated and it shall be the responsibility of Show Management to review all exhibits and enforce the rules of the exhibition. Any exhibitor who is unsure of the interpretation of any rule or who may be in violation of rules is responsible for notifying Show Management in advance for further clarification.
Responsibility lies with the individual exhibiting organization to comply with all rules and regulations as stated by Show Management in the exhibit space contract, Exhibitor Manual, Exhibitor Update or other regulations and communications. Any request made by Show Management to bring a display into compliance will be respected and any changes to exhibit structure or display will be the financial responsibility of the exhibitor.
Exhibitors will be notified by Show Management if found in violation of any rules or regulations. If after this first warning, an exhibitor fails to comply with rules involving sound, lighting or multimedia, management will discontinue electrical service to the offending apparatus for a time period deemed appropriate. If electrical service is restored and a second warning is required, electrical service will be discontinued to the apparatus for the remainder of the conference. Should a second warning be required to correct any rules or regulations the exhibitor will lose seniority for the next two exhibitions.
The following rules apply to all exhibits.
- Exhibitors are prohibited from showing or advertising products or services which in the opinion of ALA are primarily aimed at other exhibitors.
- Exhibitors are prohibited from distributing at the convention center advertising or promotional material for entities other than the registered exhibitor unless special permission is obtained from ALA (e.g., for combined booth space of small exhibitors.)
- Exhibitors are prohibited from any form of advertising or solicitation at the convention center outside of the exhibit booth space and from door drops or advertising signage at ALA-contracted conference hotels, without the advance written permission of ALA.
All aisle space belongs to the Exposition. No exhibit or advertising will be allowed to extend beyond the space assigned to the exhibitor. Booth representatives including models, demonstrators and actors in costume must remain in their own exhibit space throughout the show. They are not permitted in the aisles, other exhibitors” booths or public spaces. Any demonstration or activity which results in the obstruction of aisles or prevents ready access to neighboring exhibitors’ booths shall be suspended for any period specified by Show Management.
Americans with Disabilities Act
All exhibiting organizations are required to be in compliance with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) and are encouraged to be sensitive, and as reasonably accommodating as possible, to attendees with disabilities. Information regarding ADA compliance is available from the U.S. Department of Justice ADA Information Line (800/514-0301) and from the web site www.ada.gov/infoline.
Universal Access and ADA Accommodations-Exhibit Design
Exhibits are public accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and each exhibitor is responsible for ensuring that show attendees who have disabilities have access to all of the demonstrations, information, contests, giveaways, or other services offered at a booth.
Please see accompanying guidelines.
Live animals are prohibited in exhibit space.
The display and distribution of balloons will not be allowed at any time within the exhibit hall. Balloons create many housekeeping problems and are particularly detrimental to the fire detection systems installed in the exhibit hall. Their use is strictly prohibited.
Crate Storage
Empty crates, boxes, skids, etc. that exhibitors have labeled “Empty” will automatically be removed from exhibitors’ booths, stored and returned at the conclusion of the exhibition. “Empty” stickers will be available from the Official Contractor. There is no charge for this service.
Damage to Property
Exhibitors are responsible for damage to uncrated or improperly packed shipments, concealed damage, loss or theft of material after delivery to booth or before material is picked up for return movement. It is expressly understood that the exhibitor will make no claim of any kind against Show Management for any loss, damage or destruction of goods, nor for any damage of any nature to this business by reason of the failure to provide space for any exhibit or the removal of the exhibit.
Disposal or Storage of Packing Materials
Special care will be necessary in unpacking merchandise for display. Loose cardboard cartons will not be accepted for storage unless they are knocked down flat and securely tied into bundles and properly tagged.
Be sure to remove all old labels first. It is suggested that small crates be nested in larger ones to reduce the number of pieces to be stored and thereby hasten their return. No boards or skids will be accepted for storage unless securely tied into bundles and tagged. Materials not in accord with these regulations will be considered refuse and will be disposed of by the cleaners.
No Storage of Any Kind Will Be Permitted Behind Your Display
All combustible materials, which are not an integral part of the display, must be removed each night unless stored in a metal container. However, to facilitate repacking merchandise at conclusion of the exhibit, some exhibitors have found it convenient to remove knocked down cartons to their cars and hotel rooms for ready access.
Early Dismantling
No exhibitor will be allowed to dismantle any portion of their exhibit prior to the end of exhibit hours on the final day of exhibits. This is a discourtesy to those attending the Show and to your neighboring exhibitors. Exhibitors who dismantle prior to the closing of the show will forfeit accrued seniority for the next two ALA Exhibitions.
Food Service
Food and beverage service (including alcoholic beverages) in your assigned booth space may be allowed if approved in advance by Show Management. All requests must be submitted in writing 60 days prior to the show opening. Requests to serve items which detract from the exhibit’s professional appearance will not be allowed or approved. Popcorn is not allowed on the show floor.
After receiving Show Management approval, it is the responsibility of the exhibitor to contact the exclusive convention center caterer to place all orders. Catering menus and order form can be found in the Exhibitor Manual.
No lighting, fixtures, lighting trusses or overhead lighting are allowed outside the boundaries of the exhibit space. Lighting should be directed to the inner confines of the booth space. Lighting should not project onto other exhibits or show aisles. Lighting which is potentially harmful, such as lasers or ultraviolet lighting, will not be permitted. Lighting that spins, rotates, pulsates and other specialized lighting effects should be in good taste and not interfere with neighboring exhibitors or otherwise detract from the general atmosphere of the event. Exhibitors intending to use light systems should submit drawings to Show Management for approval.
Literature Distribution
All sales activities (literature/invitation distribution) must be contained within your rented booth space. Besides the obvious traffic congestion this practice would create, it violates a basic tenet of exposition management - “To design and manage an exhibit floor that ensures each exhibitor an equal opportunity to market their product or service.” Therefore, we cannot allow exhibitors to distribute material in any area of the Convention Center other than their rented booth space.
Logo Usage
Logos and graphics will be posted on the LibLearnX website Promotional Toolkit page for your general use and to communicate with your customers and audience that you will be exhibiting or participating in the LibLearnX. The custom logo of the ALA LibLearnX is the property of the American Library Association and may not be used by other entities unless Show Management has approved the use in writing as part of a specific sponsorship program.
Use of logos in promoting your participation in ALA events should be directed towards your customers and attendees, and is not to be used to solicit other companies/vendors. Acceptance of an exhibit space contract does not provide an endorsement of an exhibitors products or services.
ALA Logos & Guidelines for Use
The logos of the American Library Association are ALA trademarks and may only be used by those who have received prior written permission from ALA for a specific use. This permission is usually granted based on a shared initiative or special relationship, and requires a specific ALA or ALA division contact name. Refer to https://www.ala.org/aboutala/contactus/rights/logo-rules for logo use rules.
Any multimedia display (video wall, video projection, animatronics, robotics, etc.) which is deemed in violation of the Sound and Lighting regulations by Show Management will not be allowed.
Multi-story Exhibits/Single Level Covered Exhibits
In most facilities, multi-story exhibits require prior approval by the exhibit facility and/or relevant local government agencies because it is deemed to be a “structure” for building purposes. Often structural and/or Convention Center Guidelines exist which dictate booth construction. Exhibitors utilizing this type of structure should seek guidance from Show Management prior to installation of multi-story exhibits. All requests must be submitted in writing 60 days prior to the show opening.
Noise Levels in Displays
Exhibits which include the operation of musical instruments, radios, sound projection equipment, public address systems or any noisemaking machines must be conducted or arranged so that the noise resulting from the demonstration will not annoy or disturb adjacent exhibitor and their patrons, nor cause the aisles to be blocked. Operators of noisemaking exhibits must secure approval of operating methods before the exhibits open. Noise levels must be held to an 80-decibel maximum at all times.
Show Management will monitor the 80-decibel regulation on-site. If an exhibitor is in violation of the 80-decibel regulation, they will receive one warning. If the exhibitor continues to operate noisemaking exhibits in excess of 80-decibels after the first warning, Show Management reserves the right to cut the power of the offending mechanism, or otherwise ensure the noisemaking mechanism is shut off. Any expenses incurred in this instance will be the sole responsibility of the exhibitor.
Exhibitors may use sound equipment in their booths as long as the noise level does not disrupt the activities of neighboring exhibitors. Speakers and other sound devices should be positioned so as to direct sound into the booth rather than into the aisle. Any sound that exceeds 80 decibels measured at the edge of an exhibitor’s booth is considered objectionable and will not be allowed.
Exhibitors should be aware that music played in their booths, whether live or recorded, may be subject to laws governing the use of copyrighted compositions. ASCAP, BMI and SESAC are three authorized organizations that collect copyright fees on behalf of composers and publishers of music.
Rules vary depending on the facility, but generally it is required that vehicles on display have no more than a 1/4 tank of gas. The gas tank cap should be sealed and the battery disconnected. Exhibitors utilizing any vehicle should contact Show Management for approval and facility specific regulations.
Exhibitor Warnings
Housing Poachers Reminder
Some exhibitors may be contacted by outside vendors regarding housing for the 2024 ALA LibLearnX. Please be aware that these companies claim to provide housing and registration services for ALA LibLearnX, but are not affiliated with ALA in any way. DON'T BE MISLED!! Housing for ALA’s LibLearnX is handled exclusively by onPeak.
Please be sure to make your reservations through onPeak, ALA's only official housing partner. While other hotel resellers may contact you offering housing for your trip, they are not endorsed by or affiliated with the show and entering into financial agreements with non-endorsed companies can have costly consequences.
Exhibitors should use this link to book housing.
If you need assistance with any housing-related issues, please contact our housing vendor onPeak at 800/584-9047 or [email protected].
Note on Unauthorized List Rental
Some ALA exhibitors may receive communications from companies selling ALA attendee lists. Please note that these companies have no affiliation with ALA, we do not verify their lists and we cannot recommend purchasing a list through them.
Please refer to this article about fake list vendors.
ALA's official list rental is provided through CompuSystems Lead Management. List rental and broadcast email service will be available through the Exhibitor Registration site. CompuSystems has emailed Login credentials for Exhibitor Registration to the Company’s Main Contact.
Use the “Forgot password” link on the site if you have misplaced your password. If your email is not recognized on the registration platform, please email [email protected]. For more information email CompuSystems at [email protected].
Exhibitor Listing Warning
As an exhibitor, your listing in the ALA LibLearnX / ALA Annual Conference Exhibits Locator is always complimentary. Please disregard all solicitations from third party suppliers offering directory listings. They are not affiliated with the American Library Association, LibLearnX, the ALA Annual Conference & Exhibition or Hall-Erickson, Inc. If you are approached by a questionable supplier, please contact [email protected].
Official Services
Be wary of any false and misleading messages sent by companies claiming to be the official provider of services for ALA LibLearnX. Official service providers for services will be clearly identified in the Exhibitor Manual. Show Management contracts out to a select group of companies the responsibility of performing the various tasks needed to set up, operate and dismantle the exhibits. These companies are considered the “Official Contractors” for the event. If you have any questions about service providers claiming an affiliation that cannot be substantiated, contact Hall-Erickson at 630/434-7779 or [email protected].
Request for Hanging Sign Approval
A Hanging suspended from the ceiling above or displayed on a Sign is defined as an exhibit component exhibit cross-aisle header for the purpose of displaying graphics or identification.
Peninsula, Island and Cross-Aisle Booth Configurations are the only booths that are permitted to display a hanging sign. Hanging identification signs and graphics will be permitted to a maximum height of corresponding booth configuration regulations, provided written approval is received from exposition management.
Show Management requires that all companies wanting to have a Hanging Sign MUST submit a structural drawing, regardless of whether the hanging sign has been used in past shows. All drawings MUST note booth size and structure height. Show Management will review all drawings, and a copy of the drawings will be kept on file.
Request for Hanging Sign Approval Form
If you plan on having a hanging sign, please return this form to [email protected] by December 1, 2023. Structural drawings are due to Show Management by December 8, 2023.
Please note, this form does NOT cover structural approval. This form is only to request approval to have a hanging sign from show management to meet ALA rules. All exhibitors who obtain approval to have a hanging sign from show management check with the convention center and Official Contractor to adhere to all structural integrity guidelines and obtain approvals. Please review the Hanging Signs information in the Exhibitor Manual to order hanging sign labor.
Private Event Safety Protocols
ALA wants to ensure that events held during the LibLearnX and Annual Conference feel and are safe for all those in attendance, whether in the convention center or off-site and whether an official ALA event or not. With that goal in mind, the following recommendations are a starting point for you as you begin to plan for a safe and enjoyable event.
Exhibitors hosting private events in conjunction with their participation at ALA events (Annual Conference and LLX) are encouraged to implement the following measures and safety protocols:
- Exhibitors are encouraged to choose venues that discourage possible scenarios of unwanted attention for your guests. For example, venues should be well-lit and not over-crowded during the event.
- Ask attendees to RSVP beforehand and implement a check-in process at the door, including tracking all guests entering the private event to l ensure that only your approved guests or staff are in attendance.
- Exhibitors should ensure all event security needs are met and will be carried out by the venue or subcontracted security team. This includes a detailed plan of action for removal of anyone who violates Exhibitor’s Private Event Code of Conduct. Exhibitors should also ensure that there will be at least one Exhibitor staff and/or venue employee for every 25 guests to further ensure guest safety during a private event.
- Include the Private Event Code of Conduct with the event invite / RSVP landing page online, and have the same Code of Conduct visible at each of the check-in tables at the private event. See below example of Code of Conduct copy:
[Exhibitor] will not tolerate, in any form, any actual or perceived harassment, intimidation or discrimination. This includes, but is not limited to, verbal comments related to gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, religion, national origin, and shall also include inappropriate or unwanted physical contact.
[Exhibitor] must consider the safety of its guests a top priority and takes great care to ensure that this event will be a safe place for every one of our guests. Any improper conduct or unwelcome attention that makes one of our guests feel uncomfortable or unsafe will be cause for immediate removal from this event, and a perpetual ban from future [Exhibitor] events. If warranted, the proper authorities will be contacted. If any of our guests suspect, or become aware, that this Code of Conduct has been violated, we ask that they immediately report the details to a [Exhibitor] representative, as swift action will be taken to ensure the continued safety of our guests.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Paul Graller, ALA Exhibits Manager, [email protected]. ALA employs a security consultant to manage all related issues at conferences including VIP coordination, session monitoring and city department liaison. Thank you for helping ensure that all conference attendees have an excellent experience, and for hosting enjoyable events for them!